Friday, September Twenty-first

Overcast, humid, tropical feeling for the last day of summer morning coffee muses.

The first thing I saw when I walked out was a couple of Alvin Police Cars blocking the road at the corner of my yard. Their lights were flashing as they sat there forming a blockade. As I sat and watch (but mostly listened), two vehicles were loaded on wreckers and hauled away. From what I could see thru the trees the wreck happened right on the LPG pipeline in my neighbor’s yard. I can only hope everyone is ok.

The weather is definitely changing. Back to our rainy pattern of late. The general overcast isn’t showing any definition today, just a general overall blue grey color.

This weekend is going to be filled with activities. Two birthday gatherings, our regular shopping expeditions, and our biweekly D&D game. Fun, fun, fun.

To top it all off, it’s supposed to be wet…

I haven’t been seeing or hearing my chickadees and titmice for the past week or so. And even though they are around, the hummingbirds are being quieter than usual. I am hearing crows on a regular basis again though.

Well, the coffee cup has run dry while my skin is beginning to feel damp, so I think it’s time to head in… as a chickadee lands on the feeder to sing.