Wednesday, August Twenty-ninth

The sky is clear, the sun is bright… August has returned for another few morning coffee muses.

Without yesterday’s clouds the morning isn’t as cool. But, it’s not awful either. The forecast is for another day of scattered showers.

When I opened the blinds before coming outside, a bright red male cardinal was on the feeder. Since I’ve been sitting out here it’s been the chickadees visiting one after the other. And hummingbirds are chittering in the trees.

A city truck just passed by driving both ways. Hopefully, today will see the end to the construction. It will also be our most problematic, as they dig up our driveway and replace 40′ of culverts. It’s way more culverts than totally necessary, but it is what’s there now and it gives us a spot for the garbage cans on garbage day.

I haven’t been hearing the Mississippi Kite calling in a while. Maybe the fledgling has matured enough not to be calling for it’s parents. Because that was the feel I got at the time… a youngster calling for it’s parents.

It’s time to move on… as a pileated woodpecker calls in the distance… email calls.