Wednesday, August First

The temperature is moderate, though the humidity at almost ninety percent is normal, it feels cooler today after the rains for this first August morning coffee muses.

The first birds on the feeder today were a titmouse and a chickadee.

The sky, at least for today, is clear crystal blue. After yesterday’s lunch time storms it’s nice. The storms blowing through managed to knock out the power for three hours… which is somewhat disconcerting as the storms weren’t that strong. Just your run of the mill afternoon thunderstorms. It’s disheartening that there’s a weakness in our distribution line that keeps giving in… and we aren’t in inhospitable terrain.

The Mississippi Kites are playing in the oak above my head once again. In the layers of canopy below all of the other birds are doing their thing.

I’ve moved my muse indoors to avoid the humidity and heat…

Time to move on…