Monday, May twenty-eighth, Memorial Day

Blue skies, seventy-ish on the thermometer, no breeze and high humidity, morning coffee muses.

There is a line of clouds on the far eastern horizon, just above the trees. If yesterday is any indication, they are the far western reaches of Alberto’s circulation. We’ll see if there is more showers riding the sub-tropical winds. Yesterday was the first day we missed catching a shower.

Summer has arrived in SE Texas. The past couple of days have just been miserable outside. Heat indexes over one hundred each day. Just think, we’re still in May.

There’s something about watching big wading birds flying over that’s just majestic. Little Blues, Cattle Egrets, Great Egrets, Big Blues, Night Herons… they’ve all been showing up with a greater regularity than in the past.

It’s really quiet out this morning, no traffic, not even much in the way of birdsong… The only sound that’s prevalent is the cicadas buzzing in the trees. Even the blue jay on the feeder isn’t making a sound. The immature cardinal is just as quiet on the feeder. The birds around the periphery are starting to sing. It’s almost as if they are on an alarm clock setting…

The shadow of the porch is moving further and further into the yard each morning as the rising sun moves north. The morning sun shines on the north side of the porch column, hitting the thermometer straight on.

The crows are coming… The crows are coming. The neighborhood murder of crows is making it’s rounds now. Quiet is over for the day…

My cup is empty. I better hurry in and see if there’s any left in the pot…