Monday, May fourteenth

It’s a warm and humid, mockingbird kind of morning coffee muses.

It’s amazing what one mockingbird flying around singing from different trees in the backyard can do to the morning. A beautiful song on a warm summer morning is a great way to start the day.

The clouds are moving slowly to the north today… drifting in a mostly clear sky. High wispy clouds above, small fluffy clouds below. High clouds sit stationary above the slowly drifting fluffy clouds.

Across the bayou a tractor is mowing… grumbling as it hits uneven ground, blades chopping at large bushes.

And a crow flies past.

We are in that period when male birds spend their days chasing other male birds away from their claimed territories. Red birds chasing red birds. Mockingbirds chasing mockingbirds. Though there are plenty of blue jays around, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blue jay chasing a blue jay.

And the crow flew back the other way.

It’s definitely warm this morning, but not unpleasantly so. That will come with the afternoon. All of the surrounding weather stations are reporting temperatures in the low mid-eighties already. The heat index/feels like temperature is 90°.

The cup is empty… time to retreat to the more temperate climes inside…