Monday, the seventh of May

Running late and it’s already warm on the back porch for my morning coffee muses.

I stopped to post a weekly birthday list on a family Facebook page. I usually try to do it on Sunday and schedule it to post Monday morning (thank you Facebook for finally letting me schedule posts). But I wasn’t on the right computer yesterday afternoon and I didn’t get it done. And since today was one of my cousins birthday, I had to do it early… otherwise, they would start with the oldtimers jokes… at least my sister would.

Now that I’m out… late… I’m seeing signs of summer all around. Dragonflies perchiing on the dead stems from last year’s butterfly weed. Cattle egrets wandering thru the unmowed yard. Dogs barking over on Jones Street. The only thing missing… cicadas.

Cattle egrets, the redheaded teenage girls of the bird world. All white with just a touch of Irish red on their heads and backs. Trying to move with a grace beyond their years as they pace the world. Ignoring anyone and anything that’s in the area… but lifting off moving just far enough if you get too close. And in that act, their true grace shines through…as they spread their wings and lift, effortlessly to glide away. Beautifully, one with their world, sharing mine. And now three more glided in…

I’m being scolded by a blue jay. It must not be one of the regulars. Usually, they pay no attention to me as I sit here typing with one finger. But, occasionally one will be heading for the feeder and upon seeing me swerve off and land in the red oak. There to sit, fussing at me about their own timidity.

My coffee cup has been empty since I stepped out here… So I think it’s time for a refill.

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