Wednesday, May second

It’s a humid, much warmer, breeze blowing in off the Gulf, feels like early summer morning coffee muses.

I love this time of year… The south facing porch is in the process of becoming the shade porch. While the sun is moving around to the north facing front porch. Though, on mornings like this the ceiling fans are the only thing making it even a bit comfortable

The birds at the feeders are coming and going. The Carolinas are both here today, Chickadee and Wren. The Titmouse family is joining the fun. The young chickadees fly like toddlers walk. Bobbing along, sometimes close to the ground, sometimes high in the air.

Male Cardinals are busy chasing each other around the backyard. I’ve never been sure how they divide up their territories, but it always seems that three of four different territories come together in my backyard.

The anoles are hunting across the porch. They actually never left entirely over the winter. You would only see them on warmer, sunny days.

I’m not seeing as much fighting among the Rubys as I was last week. There really doesn’t appear to be as many. It must have been a migration wave moving through.

This year’s crop of goldenrod is coming up at one end of the porch. At the other the butterfly weed is already blooming.

Cups empty once more… time to get busy.