It's Friday It's been another day of listening to thunder... Watching lightning... And only seeing about 5 minutes of rain. The video above shows a loop from this morning to this afternoon... One of the magnolias out in the front bed has lost 95% of its leaves. My small…
It's Thursday I was dragged reluctantly from my slumber by the distant rumblings of thunder at 5am this morning. As I lay there listening... contemplating the rarity of this sound lately... thinking I really should watch this rare event... moisture falling from the sky... RAIN. So I stumbled out of…
Friday And the rains continue... It's a pleasant 73° on the front porch this morning. And yes, the humidity is high, but what do you expect when it's raining. And the range just keep on falling. We had a small murder of crows on the front on yesterday. I've been…
Thursday Last night, or actually very, very early this morning, the line of thunderstorms moved through dropping a nice amount of rain but more importantly, knocking out our power... Again. I think this year will go down in our personal history books as the year the Texas power grid failed…
There's a light rain falling. The temperature is 75°. That's the coolest I felt outside in a month or so. A person could learn to really like summertime temperatures like this. Looking at the prognosticators foretelling a future weather, I see a change from last evenings Oracle like ramblings... Today's…