Catching the early bus on the first friday of the 2025 school year after the first "Winter" storm of the New Year... Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a high school student on the bus at 6:33am every weekday?
Thursday August 10th It's the start of a new school year here ... It's the first day of school. So my days are starting even earlier than last year. The grandkids, at least the two living with me, are now in two different schools riding two different buses. My grandson…
Tuesday June 20th I had to get up and get gone early this morning. It was my annual pilgrimage to fulfill the bureaucratic requirements of the school district. For some reason I am required each year to affirm in front of a notary public that the residents that I have…
Wordless Wednesday
It's Thursday Today I just visited summer. I walked out our front door... I looked left and I looked right... Then I returned into the house of perpetual spring. With summer officially here this week, I am now entering my reverse hibernation. I've never really hidden from the cold, but…
Friday I find myself still sitting on the front porch after the buses have run. This will be my last morning bus run till fall. Today ends another school year, and the grandkids will be home for the summer. This morning has been a morning of train whistles, mockingbird songs…
Wordless Wednesday
Sunday Walking out this morning was almost painful. The temperature was already 78 degrees and the humidity was 90%... Pretty much right where it should be for this time of year, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. The only thing worse than summers on the Texas…