Today has been a little stranger than usual...I seem to be in the doldrums. Held inside by the heat, humidity, and the biting insects when I really want to be outside. Not that being inside today has been tough. It's just been quieter than I am used to...Everyone is out,…
@fred1st Seems to me, face masks only protect the minds of the wearers. It's all in the head. in reply to fred1st # Powered by Twitter Tools.
I seem to enjoy finding blogs written by authors. One of the latest I've wandered across is by Fiona Robyn. She posted an article yesterday that popped up via my feed reader today. The title of the piece was How To Slow Down. I found this section in particular spoke…
Some quick observations of no importance to anyone but me... ++++++++++ Living for a week or so on a laptop belonging to someone else is frustrating to say the least. Even a laptop that you set up for that someone else. Even with admin rights and my own profile, even…
Last nights batch of thunder boomers must have dropped a goodly amount (though, more normal) of rain since there are still some rather full puddles in the yard.
@fred1st I thought of you when I read the first story in the local paper yesterday...Swine Flu in San Antonio... in reply to fred1st # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Leave to a youngish mind in a middleaged, out of shape body to discover the hard way (always the hard way) that he cannot still do everything he once did. Yesterday I decided, at long last, to finish the distruction of our dog pen that Ike had started. Bearing in…
This morning as the sun comes up, the day starts out foggy. The woods behind the house are hazy through the gray, cloaking moisture. The morning is still, but nowhere near quite. Birds, lots of birds are singing their welcome to the mornings light. The back doors are wide, letting…
Today the thermometer says it reached 89 degrees outside my kitchen. I think spring is giving way to summer. I'm not ready yet for the 90's. # RT @fred1st Looking at # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Standing out in the backyard with my morning coffee as the sun rises, it was still. There was absolutely no breeze stirring, an unusual occurrence for here, at least lately...Cool and damp with dew on the grass, my body warmed by the rising sun. I was astonished to note the…
"I know what grows in the warmth and the expanding light of spring. But I wonder tonight what grows in this stillness. Perhaps it’s only the mosquitoes hunting for the first time this year, or the Diptera that will be rising and falling along the river’s edge tomorrow morning."
Blueberry, by Diane Lockward Deep-blue hue of the body, silvery bloom on its skin. Undersized runt of a fruit, like something that failed to thrive, dented top a fontanel. Lopsided globe. A temperate zone. Tiny paradox, tart and sweet, homely but elegant afloat in sugar and cream, baked in a…
...maybe they’d take away his parking space, too. What is it with Republican Governors these days. Especially, Republican Governors with national aspirations. It's almost as if they can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Even members of their own party have noticed. And it seems as if they…
Last night I wandered out with a glass of wine after an evening of rain. Lightning was still flashing to the south. The ground was wet, the trees were still dripping...Yet as I stood there in my backyard what did I see? Fireflies. just a couple wandering around a couple…
Mill Wheel, Roan Mountain State Park, Tennessee
Yesterday I had to swing by the Post Office to drop off a couple of Netflix returns and ran into the local "teabagger" protest...All 100 of the...maybe. All I could do was shake my head and wonder what exactly they were protesting. Do they even know? Was it taxes? Was…
After hitting the 80's on Sunday, with morning rain adding to the humidity and clear afternoon skies letting the sun beat down on this part of the world, I made the walk to the road with my offering to the gods of the waste wagon while watching my breath fog…
Just recently, the small-business boogeyman came up in the debate over the estate tax -- specifically, whether it is unfair to impose a tax on estates in excess of $7 million per couple (the level this year) or whether the first $10 million of every estate should be exempt from…
The cornbread I put aside for the next day...did not make it that long.
During my roadtrip yesterday I made a point of stopping by the Winedale Historical District. I have been here before but the stop is always good for a break, and the grounds make for a great way to stretch your legs before getting back on the road. The Lewis-Wagner House…
I decided that I needed a roadtrip to hunt for the fields of Bluebonnets that bloom this time of year a few counties to the north and west. Yesterday I made the decision that today would be the day, come what may. It almost looked as if I'd be trying…
I saw this announcement in the local news email this week... The city’s biggest family celebration begins at 9 a.m. Saturday at Discovery Green, a large green space in the heart of downtown. And as it happens, it’s one of those old-fashioned grass-roots efforts. via Earth Day Houston: We’re having…
I woke this morning to a still, clear, cold sunrise. There was a layer of frost on the freshly cut grass out back. The scratchy throat, runny eyes and stuffy nose had managed to transform into a full blown cold. Herbal teas and sweatsuit time... And yes the wildflowers have…
I woke up this morning to a blustery north wind driving temperatures into the 40's. Tonight the weather prognosticators are predicting lows in the 30's. It would appear winter (at least our kind of winter) isn't through with SE Texas. As I wait for springs return and the yard work honey-dews that will accompany it, here are some more of my spring photo's fropm last week...
Check out Food Democracy Now | Sample Letter - Close the Millionaire Corporate Farm Subsidy Loophole at ... # Powered by Twitter Tools.
The day started out overcast but by 10am the clouds were mostly moved out. Temperatures are already mid 70's outside. It should be what would pass for a beautiful summer day in most parts of the country...Here it's just spring! More spring shots from my afternoon walk of the other…
I went for a walk yesterday afternoon with my camera. I only covered by back yard and the right of ways that run to Mustang Bayou. Here are a couple of the images I caught... More To follow...Have a great weekend.
The topic of the night here in the US is a rumored deal in the works between Google and Twitter. Michael Arrington reported tonight that acquisition talks are in late stages, then revised his report with another source close to at least one company saying that the talks were in…
Waking up...wandering into the kitchen for that first cup of coffee...firing up the laptop...opening up the morning email...checking the overnight blog stats...checking the weather forecast both here and in the mountains... It always hits me as a little odd when I check the weather and the temperature here is lower…
We had a "cool" front blow through here this morning...Cool is now at 71° and rising. The front brought an hour or so of rain and then clear blue sky. The real sign of spring though is the cardinals, you know...Red birds chasing other red birds out of their perceived…