Mill Wheel, Roan Mountain State Park, Tennessee
Yesterday I had to swing by the Post Office to drop off a couple of Netflix returns and ran into the local "teabagger" protest...All 100 of the...maybe. All I could do was shake my head and wonder what exactly they were protesting. Do they even know? Was it taxes? Was…
After hitting the 80's on Sunday, with morning rain adding to the humidity and clear afternoon skies letting the sun beat down on this part of the world, I made the walk to the road with my offering to the gods of the waste wagon while watching my breath fog…
Just recently, the small-business boogeyman came up in the debate over the estate tax -- specifically, whether it is unfair to impose a tax on estates in excess of $7 million per couple (the level this year) or whether the first $10 million of every estate should be exempt from…
The cornbread I put aside for the next day...did not make it that long.
During my roadtrip yesterday I made a point of stopping by the Winedale Historical District. I have been here before but the stop is always good for a break, and the grounds make for a great way to stretch your legs before getting back on the road. The Lewis-Wagner House…
I decided that I needed a roadtrip to hunt for the fields of Bluebonnets that bloom this time of year a few counties to the north and west. Yesterday I made the decision that today would be the day, come what may. It almost looked as if I'd be trying…
I saw this announcement in the local news email this week... The city’s biggest family celebration begins at 9 a.m. Saturday at Discovery Green, a large green space in the heart of downtown. And as it happens, it’s one of those old-fashioned grass-roots efforts. via Earth Day Houston: We’re having…
I woke this morning to a still, clear, cold sunrise. There was a layer of frost on the freshly cut grass out back. The scratchy throat, runny eyes and stuffy nose had managed to transform into a full blown cold. Herbal teas and sweatsuit time... And yes the wildflowers have…
I woke up this morning to a blustery north wind driving temperatures into the 40's. Tonight the weather prognosticators are predicting lows in the 30's. It would appear winter (at least our kind of winter) isn't through with SE Texas. As I wait for springs return and the yard work honey-dews that will accompany it, here are some more of my spring photo's fropm last week...
Check out Food Democracy Now | Sample Letter - Close the Millionaire Corporate Farm Subsidy Loophole at ... # Powered by Twitter Tools.
The day started out overcast but by 10am the clouds were mostly moved out. Temperatures are already mid 70's outside. It should be what would pass for a beautiful summer day in most parts of the country...Here it's just spring! More spring shots from my afternoon walk of the other…
I went for a walk yesterday afternoon with my camera. I only covered by back yard and the right of ways that run to Mustang Bayou. Here are a couple of the images I caught... More To follow...Have a great weekend.
The topic of the night here in the US is a rumored deal in the works between Google and Twitter. Michael Arrington reported tonight that acquisition talks are in late stages, then revised his report with another source close to at least one company saying that the talks were in…
Waking up...wandering into the kitchen for that first cup of coffee...firing up the laptop...opening up the morning email...checking the overnight blog stats...checking the weather forecast both here and in the mountains... It always hits me as a little odd when I check the weather and the temperature here is lower…
We had a "cool" front blow through here this morning...Cool is now at 71° and rising. The front brought an hour or so of rain and then clear blue sky. The real sign of spring though is the cardinals, you know...Red birds chasing other red birds out of their perceived…
My first house had siding of shiplap cypress. Great wood for building, tough for painting. I often wondered about those bags of cypress mulch at the garden center...seems it really is too much of a good thing... It seems that in the past ten years or so cypress logging as…
Watching birds fly about the tree limbs reflected in my laptops screen. Life reversed and internalized rather than right side right and out. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Another in the TedTalks Series of videos I try to visit on a weekly basis as a method of personal continuing education...Have a look at what a "play expert" has to say about the importance of play...Stuart Brown: Why play is vital -- no matter your age A pioneer in…
You never know where you will stumble upon a word, a phrase, a few paragraphs that paint a picture in your mind so vivid you would swear you were there... I made my getaway. This dark and wannabe-smokey hideaway was nearly empty. The cushy chairs and couches were without asses.…
Stumbling through my news reader I came across a reference and a video of Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I have been aware of the work Joel is doing for a while. His success with Polyface is an inspiration that will become more important…
Sometimes you are amazed at the serendipity of life...I discovered Felder Rushing a few years back while wandering the web. I started listening to the podcast of his weekly public radio program, The Gestalt Gardener, and keeping up with his travels. I even posted a link and his picture back…
I have a confession to make...I just discovered Marion Nestle and her blog Food Politics. I know, I'm slow on the uptake sometimes. I find that my feelings about food are becoming somewhat activistic...I am getting more upset by the industrialization of our food on a daily basis. So you…
From his vantage point in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, the author elevates the simple and local in a way that will bring a smile, a raised eyebrow, or nod of affirmation. This unique view of the world will be appreciated by fellow biology watchers, grandparents, rural dwellers or wannabes and by those simply seeking a pleasant place to ponder a few minutes before bedtime.
After eight years of backpedaling by the previous administration on the requirements that it protect the environment, there is a new group in charge. They seem to feel that the laws passed by congress prior to the Bush Administration really are laws...Go figure.
We cruised through East Columbia on the way home. East Columbia is one of the earliest settlements in this part of the state. It was founded in 1823 as Bell's Landing.
@GStephanopoulos Why isn't anyone commenting on the fact that these bonuses are just a way to sidestep tax liability on salaries? # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Leon Hale's weekly column is up at the Houston Chronicle...This section in the middle caught my mind's eye and reminded me of my year living with my Grandparents back in the early 70's. When sprummer comes to the country, what arrives along with it is a lot of work to…
This is the closest we have been to winter in a month or more. We woke up to the low 40's with light rain...brrr.