Once in a great while I get lucky and manage to string together the right words in the right order to tell a story of my own...I don't imagine its worth trying to winnow the chaff from the few gems in my backstory. But I'll keep trying to hit my head on that hammer of inspiration.
@fred1st Do they still work? If so, try a school or church... in reply to fred1st # We finally got a good soaking of a rain that did more than wet the top layer of dust. It should soften the grass on the trail tomorrow morn. # Powered by Twitter…
Philosopher Buckminster Fuller said that although we are all born geniuses, the process of living tends to de-genius us. That's the bad news. The good news is that 2009 is one of the best years ever for you to re-genius yourself, and the month of June is among the best…
Light rain has decided to bless us today. The clouds and rain are keeping the temperature below 80° so far...Though... I am sure the rain is making the mosquitoes more than happy... ◊≡◊≡◊≡◊≡◊≡◊≡◊≡◊≡◊ A pot of soup is working on the stove for lunch. I tend to use weekday lunches…
Taking a morning walk this morning, I noticed that the heat was already heading up into the 80's. Warm and getting warmer...A great way to start hurricane season. Over the weekend the the mosquitoes returned with a vengeance. That little bit of rain last week seems to have hatched out…
But the real re-reading I mean is the savory re-reading, the books I have to be careful not to re-read too often so I can read them again with pleasure.
Today was John Deere day on the homestead here. Spent the early, cooler half of the day out doing the Texas pinwheel. You know what I mean...'round and 'round she goes. Luckily, the wind was blowing lightly. The anticipated rain from earlier in the week bypassed us as usual. I…
Paul Hawken: The New Great Transformation This talk is quite long...but quite good. Take a bit of your day and be inspired...
Down here on the Gulf Coast of Texas barbecue season starts not too long after it ends. This year I was a little late...I fired up the smoker on Easter Sunday. Today I put a brisket on the grill to serve tomorrow afternoon. This isn't one of our big family…
From Facebook... Priscilla Ahn's brand new performance of 'The Boobs Song', recorded live in London! There is something about this young lady's voice that just grabs me. I could listen to her sing any time at all... Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.
Can someone explain the connection between Credit Card Reform and the right to bear arms in national parks? Now don't get me wrong, I was raised to be a hunter, I bought my first guns at 18, my grandfather was a life long hunter who bought and passed down a…
Here I am, enjoying the second day of our brief return to spring-like weather. The house is open and the day is the kind California and Florida like to claim they enjoy year round. A few small, fluffy, cotton-ball clouds are scattered across a blue sky...The breeze softly caresses the…
Everybody following everybody isn’t a networked community; it’s a madhouse. Enough of the madhouse. Let’s build something truly powerful and show the world all the beauty we can bring about with that power! via Why I Unfollowed 45,000 People On Twitter. I wondered when I first heard of Twitter what…
Even now in the middle of the afternoon the temperature is just slightly higher than where it normally starts the day...I would like to place an order now for a couple of months of days just like this
The weather prognosticators called it right for once...It's 73 and falling on a May afternoon...Their latest call is for a low in high 50's. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Saturday was another 90° day here in SE Texas...The past week has seen upper 80's every day. The weather prognosticators are trying to tease with hints of a "strong" cool front coming our way. I have even heard whispers of highs in the upper 70's...Personally, I think they are smoking…
The Future Of Food http://bit.ly/CWliV on hulu...go watch it and get mad...then get busy. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Another long term effect of last falls hurricane season... Doctors who work in Houston’s busiest maternity ward say they’re expecting an especially bustling June, leading some to conclude that Hurricane Ike was the perfect storm for making babies. It’s been eight months since Ike knocked out the region’s electricity, leaving…
Grandpa duty this morning...Dr. Phil on Sesame Street. What does that say about the pre-todlers of America? Even as the grandson ignores it? # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Summer is over a month away here and it's 83 degrees fahrenheit before noon. To be expected since we hit 90 last month. Mountain dreams now. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
@BlueRidgeblog I'm jealous...How was the market? I am missing the mountains badly. How about a spring shot at your blog? in reply to BlueRidgeblog # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Image via Wikipedia Back in my youth I discovered The Mother Earth News. It was probably sometime around 1971 that I first came across the magazine. I am sure I first found it at the old Space City News in downtown Houston where I spent a lot of time each…
I started down a path I am still walking today. Inventing the Myth as I Go Where am I heading and how will I get there? You are welcome to come along for the ride. Try not to fall off as we round the curves… I have tried to do…
RT @bittman Wonderful Wired piece about Penn, Teller, and the science of magic:http://bit.ly/1znuY The videos are great # Powered by Twitter Tools.
@fred1st I hope the driver has the guts to face the road along Goose Creek...I want my book! in reply to fred1st # Powered by Twitter Tools.
One of the things I like most about this thing we call Blogging is number 2 on Patry Francis' list. And she ranks up there at the top of my amazing people list. Patry published this list back around Thanksgiving in Twenty O'Six. I stumbled across it again today as…
Think of the 47 million Americans who lack insurance. They are less likely to receive flu vaccines (which might or might not help), less likely to receive prompt care when they get sick, and less able financially to stay home from work — and thus they are more likely both…
It's hard to believe the impact one man's songs can have on a nation and a world...Thanks for living a life that can be an example to us all... Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing Where have all the flowers gone? Long time ago Where have all…
I saw Patry's post about the medicinal use of red wine in the treatment of influenza... Patry Francis Red wine may prevent swine flu, which is the absolute only reason I drink it. http://www.anotherwineblog.com/archives/4253 I checked my stock and decided I needed to make a "medicine" run...Off to Spec's we…
@scalzi How many inches so far? I trust the new roof is up to the task... in reply to scalzi # It's been overcast all day. It looks like rain but the radar shows the real precipitation is miles and miles away and moving away from here. # Swine flu…