Today was mowing day around this place...Last time I mowed I picked up a bunch of nails in the tireson the Deere so the first order of business was pulling out the nails and plugging the holes. I have no idea where I managed to pick up the tire holers,…

Post 4th

The grill was running for most of two days...Smoked meats for a 4th of July family feast. Brisket (this is Texas afterall), salmon, and sausage made up the choices...Pinto beans, slaw and potatoe salad for sides. Assorted soft drinks and wine for refreshments. The brisket went on to smoke Friday…

Digital TV…

After months of fighting with signal strengths on the different televisions scatered around the house I was already starting to dread the day when a analog signal was no longer available as a backup. So this morning as I sat with my first cup of coffee I switched on the…