For many years, if anyone asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, I'd say I wanted to "build websites". As I kept reinventing the job I did for the company I spent my adult life with, my coworkers would kid me on occasion. I would tell them…
In the afternoon of summer, sounds come through the window: a tractor muttering to itself as it pivots at the corner of the hay field, stalled for a moment as the green row feeds into the baler. On some days I listen to Garrison on the radio, some days he…
LONDON — In America, the health care debate is about to come to a boil. President Barack Obama has put pressure on both houses of Congress to pass versions of his flagship domestic legislative program prior to their August recess. Good luck. Opponents are filling the airwaves with the usual…
There is a reason I plan to relocate to the Appalachian Mountains in the next year or so...And the following is a big part of it... Second warmest June on record The globe recorded its second warmest June on record, 0.02°C short of the record set in 2005, according to…
Today was mowing day around this place...Last time I mowed I picked up a bunch of nails in the tireson the Deere so the first order of business was pulling out the nails and plugging the holes. I have no idea where I managed to pick up the tire holers,…
It was time for a bug fix upgrade yesterday. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have so many places to run the "automatic upgrade". And every upgrade of WP brings with it a number of rolling plugin upgrade. It seems that each upgrade causes an unforeseen problem with…
I haven't vanished from the face of the earth...I haven't taken ill from the heat and lack of rain...I haven't been shipped off for failing to amuse my wife (though I'm sure see is thinking about it)...What I am doing is exploring the idiosyncrasies of a new theme for WordPress…
The grill was running for most of two days...Smoked meats for a 4th of July family feast. Brisket (this is Texas afterall), salmon, and sausage made up the choices...Pinto beans, slaw and potatoe salad for sides. Assorted soft drinks and wine for refreshments. The brisket went on to smoke Friday…
After watching rain showers bypass us on Tuesday, we managed to be in the way of a passing cloud yesterday. With an hour of steady rain, the ground soaked up every drop as fast as it fell. Sherry and I sat on the front porch and watched the amazing sight...Water...Falling…
I spent almost all day Tuesday installing a new database and reinstalling WordPress and importing the old posts over at North Carolina Mountain Dreams. I am still working at putting all of the pieces back together over there...You know, side bars and widgets and all of that bloggy stuff. Next…
@BlueRidgeblog How about a hot air balloon or a helicopter...Or you could attach a camera to a radio controlled plain. in reply to BlueRidgeblog # Powered by Twitter Tools.
New photoblog post: Mustang Grapes on Mustang Bayou # Powered by Twitter Tools.
If only there was a court to try the cases in... So the House passed the Waxman-Markey climate-change bill. In political terms, it was a remarkable achievement. But 212 representatives voted no... And as I watched the deniers make their arguments, I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a…
New NC Mtn Dream blog post: Appalachian Summer Festival Video # Powered by Twitter Tools.
New blog post: New Leaves # Powered by Twitter Tools.
The weather outside my door makes me happy to be inside. An August preview in June does not a happy Texan make. Blue Ridge Mountains please! # Powered by Twitter Tools.
These clouds are moving south just west of us this evening. We have already had an hour or more of heavy rain...All soaked in. Nobody was anticipating this. The temperature after the rains moved through was registering 72°...Now back up at 76°. The lightning was amazing! The wind was blowing!…
Currently (on Thu 5:53AM CDT from Pearland Regional Airport) Cloudy Temp: 81° (Heat Index 87°) Dewpoint: 75° Wind: Calm MPH I stepped out on the back steps this morning as the coffee pot dripped and ran into a wall of heat. Yesterday at this time it the thermometer was reading 72°. What a…
I stepped out my back door as the thermometer passed 100° F today and snapped this picture. The prognosticators say we had a heat index of 108° and it will be as hot tomorrow... Statement as of 4:04 PM CDT on June 24, 2009 ... Heat advisory in effect until…
It seems the culprit in my WordPress upgrade problems was a plugin called "Events Manager" Version 2.0rc1. Once I disabled this plugin my menu problems went away on my North Carolina Mountain Dreams Blog. Now this cannot be the only problem because Virginia Mountain Dreams still works fine...Both blogs use…
I find myself spending more of my time outside than I am used to. Yes, it's hot out...And dry. It almost reminds me of my summer in south Texas back in the early 1970's. Unusually dry heat for Southeast Texas at this time of the year. Walking the trail I've…
My neighbors across the street have been makin' music for a few years now. For a while my youngest son played bass with them on some of their local gigs. These days they seem to be reahing a bit higher...And I for one, am very impressed with this video they…
There are times my hometown newspaper makes me proud...This is one of them. In an editorial yesterday they laid out the argument for health care reform and touched many of the reasons that what is being argued in Congress is just BS. These three paragraphs tell the story... but you…
Support the Broadband Internet Pricing Fairness Act: # Quiz: Should I see the critically-acclaimed documentary ‘Food, Inc.’? # Powered by Twitter Tools.
It looks like the recent round of upgrades to both WordPress and Advertising Manager has screwed up the layouts of my blogs totally. Originally, I was using Adsence Manager as a Widget Control Panel. Paste any code into an add, give it a name, it showed up in your widget…
After months of fighting with signal strengths on the different televisions scatered around the house I was already starting to dread the day when a analog signal was no longer available as a backup. So this morning as I sat with my first cup of coffee I switched on the…
@fred1st I'll take a try at Thymer if you still have a beta key # @fred1st If you want to really confuse yourself check out the numbers reported by Google analytics...even more, different numbers. in reply to fred1st # This Time, We Won’t Scare: # Powered by Twitter Tools.
After a dozen years on this farm, I can name most of the plants and nearly all the birds. But what’s the word for the wake the pileated woodpecker leaves as it dips, flying across the pasture? How can I imagine that land speaks in a language when I’m surrounded…
Growing up, we spent many summer days visiting my grandparents house in Orchard, Texas. Every evening, after supper was over and cleaned up, we would all grab a folding lawn chair off the back porch and set them up in a rough circle on the east side of the house.…