Houston Snow...Stayed north of us. Yesterday's weather event was a washout here at our place. As nice as it was to watch the heavy flurries fall off and on all day, the lack of anything sticking to the ground left us filling like a stood-up date...All dressed up for the…
Houston this morning broke a record with the earliest snowfall ever recorded in the city's history. Forecasters are still hedging their bets on the amount, but say the most likely scenario is 1 to 2 inches of widespread snowfall through the day. Some areas could get up to a half…
It's 9am and the snow is early...Rain started about 7am and it just turned completely to snow. Temperature is 37°F and falling. So far the big sloppy wet snowflakes. Should be an interesting day. Updates to follow...
Amazingly, it seems likely Houston will see snow Friday, the city’s earliest ever white stuff. Forecasters are still hedging their bets given all of the puzzle pieces that must fall into place for it to snow in Houston, but now say the most likely scenario is 2 to 4 inches…
The prognosticators are keeping the hopes of children of all ages alive across Southeast Texas... Weather forecasters are more confident Houston will see snowfall beginning Friday afternoon, but whether that snow sticks to the ground and accumulates remains a big question. “I would say right now it could be anywhere…
The outlook for snow on Friday is still in the forecast...With the following caveat. To get snow in our typically tropical clime the timing must be just right, with cold air arriving at the same time as atmospheric moisture. It seems plausible this will happen Friday afternoon. The National Weather…
My mom is very proud of being a Texan...And she collects birdhouses. Felder Rushing would be proud of her bottle trees and her use of all of the found "art".
We are spending the day with family...So from my walk yesterday... I hope everyone has a great day...
On my walk today to check the progress of autumn I ended up on my belly looking at the violet seed heads of the grass growing in our field. It made for an interesting photo. I was very happy to have the cloudless blue sky and a cool north breeze…
Walking my trail through the woods yesterday I was struck that the predominate color is still green... Once I made it to Mustang Bayou, the color pallet didn't seem to change... The temperatures this week have been great. My wife actually demanded the heat be turned on after our first…
...we've been having some fine October weather here in the middle of November. I love this season, when we get little junior-grade northers trying to push through, followed by three or four days of Chamber of Commerce weather -- no wind, soft light, high blue skies and temperatures we dreamed…
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s investment bank, survivors of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, are set to pay record bonuses this year. The firms -- the three biggest banks to exit the Troubled Asset Relief Program -- will hand out $29.7…
November 6, 2008 One year ago today...Life took a turn. A new beginning. Like the photo above, a new day dawned, different from all of the days before it. On this day last year I went to work like any other day. My thoughts were on the weekend though. My…
I've been falling down on my duties as a grandfather this past month. So to play catch up here are two slideshows...First of #2 grandson's first birthday... Second, of #1 grandson's third birthday...
It was a cool misty morning as I poured a cup of coffee...Looking out the back screen the light looked intriguing. I grabbed the camera and slipped on the flipflops and wandered out into the cool, wet backyard. I wandered a while trying to capture the light that drew me…
We are now entering my favorite time of the year. Cool fall days in the low 70's and nighttime lows dipping down into the 50's. Skies so blue that if you could capture the color you'd be set for life. Birds twittering in the predawn trees, welcoming the day as…
Another reason to change our methods... A ground beef recall for more than 545,699 pounds of meat has been expanded to states from North Carolina to Maine on fears of E. coli contamination. Fairbanks Farms of Ashville, N.Y., expanded the recall on Monday for ground beef produced between Sept. 14…
To a rancher like me, who raises cattle, goats and turkeys the traditional way (on grass), the studies show only that the prevailing methods of producing meat — that is, crowding animals together in factory farms, storing their waste in giant lagoons and cutting down forests to grow crops to feed them — cause substantial greenhouse gases. It could be, in fact, that a conscientious meat eater may have a more environmentally friendly diet than your average vegetarian.
Three years ago this month we were on Padre Island celebrating our 28th. Two years ago, it was the Blue Ridge Mountains and our 29th. Last year it was the Texas Hill Country and our 30th...This year we haven't made plans...Yet. Blogging has been slow here lately. I am not…
For the last couple of days here we have been having really beautiful weather. Overnight lows in the low 50's warming up slowly into the low 70's. Cloudless, scrubbed blue skies. You know, the kind of weather a large portion of the country comes to expect in the height of…
It's understandable the drugmakers would want a roll-call accounting of who their friends and enemies are, considering the size of the investment they are making on Capitol Hill: in the first six months of this year alone, drug and biotech companies and their trade associations spent more than $110 million…
The world’s largest reserve for migrating Monarch butterflies, located in the Mexican highlands, is suffering from an infestation of bark beetles similar to outbreaks that have killed millions of acres of evergreens in the U.S. and Canada...So far, the infestation has affected only a small portion of the 33,000-acre core…
The globe recorded its second warmest September since record keeping began in 1880, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. The combined global land and ocean temperature anomaly was 0.62°C (1.12°F), falling only 0.04°C (0.07°F) short of tying the record set in 2005. NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies also…
Record heat is forecast for today in the Houston area, but by late this afternoon or early evening a blast of cooler Canadian air is expected to drop temperatures through the weekend. Temperatures are predicted to creep back into the 80s early next week, but another cold front is predicted…
It's that time of year again...15 October 2009 is the third Blog Action Day. This year the subject of conversation for the day is "Climate Change". Close to 7,000 bloggers are participating this year. What Is Blog Action Day? Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world's…
It is beginning to be an everyday thing. A DM from someone on Twitter that's not...Leading to a fake login page... Another day, another phishing or malware scam on Twitter. It seems like these are happening entirely too often, and the reason is that people continue to ignore common sense.…
Two years ago we were planning our first fall trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina and Virginia...Life has conspired since then to keep me from the mountains I love. I look forward to next year and a visit to the mountains to beat all of our past…
Eating a hamburger should not be a death-defying experience. Too often it is. via Editorial - Toxic Hamburgers - NYTimes.com. This is where Food Policy and Health Policy come together. And the American people get taken for a ride by the corporate penny pinching policies and the lack of enforcement…
"We as a party have spent the last six months, the greatest minds in our party, dwelling on the question, the unbelievably consuming question of how to get Olympia Snowe to vote on health care reform. I want to remind us all that Olympia Snowe was not elected President last…
Please, let it be true... Fri 7PM Sat 1AM Sat 7AM Sat 1PM Sat 7PM Sky T-Stm Rain Chc Rain Ptly Clear Clear Chance of Precip Likely Moderate Slight Slight Slight Temp (F) 67° 63° 61° 69° 69° The weather prognosticators have been promising us cooler weather all week...They promised…