Blogging or not. For some reason, I find myself unable to get in the muse on days when my wife is supposed to "not here" but she is...And thus yesterday was the end to an unexpected three-day weekend. Which means that even though I did a lot of back-end maintenance…
The Weather Yesterday, when I went through my daily email, this is what I saw from the weather gurus at Currently (on Fri 6:22AM CST from Pearland Regional Airport) Thunderstorm Temp: 70° Dewpoint: 64° Wind: S 10 MPH Today's email brought this... Currently (on Sat 6:06AM CST from Pearland Regional…
The world's last remaining natural flock of endangered whooping cranes, which suffered a record number of deaths last year, will probably see another die-off because of scarce food supplies at its Texas nesting grounds this winter, wildlife managers said. The flock lost 23 birds in the 2008-2009 winter season, in…
morning haze; as in a painting of a dream men go their ways Buson ~ (via The Haiga Pages) The sun rising through the morning mist last week drew me out my backdoor armed with my third eye...After letting the image stew for a week it felt done...
And it looks like if this keeps up, I'll have more company than ever before... Shorts, T-shirts and flip-flops may be in order today and this weekend as unseasonably warm, spring-like weather is forecast for the Houston area. A slight chance of rain is possible Saturday when remnants from the…
Image via Wikipedia Have you ever Googled your own name? No you say...Go ahead do it now I'll wait... For those of you who answered yes...Did you find yourself? On what page? How many times was there a link to your information. You know you've been online too long and…
I really hate to post this knowing what my friends along the Blue Ridge are going through, but... Today we hit 80° here with the sun out in a perfectly clear blue sky. I guess I better enjoy it before the roller coaster starts down again this weekend. Just sitting…
Over the past few days I noticed all of my Google AdSence blocks had disappeared. Also missing were some other blocks of code I had used a Wordpress Plugin to place in my sidebars and footer areas. I do not think the problem was wholly in the one plugin as…
The computer lets us approach in a startling demonstration of general-to-specific. The world becomes a continent becomes a region; a particular city surrounded by mountains; a set of streets; a house on a certain corner, with a brick walk and a tree in the backyard: someone’s home, someone’s place in…
NOTE: AS USUAL BACK UP EVERYTHING BEFORE PROCEEDING! (Only takes a couple of minutes!) Here’s how. Login as “Admin” user. Pull down the “Users” menu in administration page. Click on “Add New” Add a new user, set your permissions to “Administrator” Save the changes, and log out. Log back in…
All of the folks that are claiming that the Earth is and has been in a cooling cycle are being disingenuous...Using weather trends to infer climate trends breaks down when you watch the averages over any period of time. I can already hear the cries from the climate skeptics...But, here…
It has been a misty, rainy, quiet day today. Nothing spectacular in the weather, just a slow drizzly, yukky looking winters day. It's been quiet because number two grandson and number two daughter went off to stay with hubby for a few days...Don't ask. I've been lost in the muse…
Coffee Muses require solitude...Having a non-blogging significant other across the table from you as you wander through your morning routine tends to put you in a different place. Not a wandering the web, not a reading email with an open mind, not a "oh yea" that's neat kind of place.…
Thanks to Mary Jaksch of Goodlife Zen for the link to this...It really started my morning off right...
The morning emails brought me this... Thu 8AM Thu 10AM Thu 12PM Thu 2PM Sky Rain Rain Rain Cldy Chance of Precip Moderate Moderate Moderate Slight Temp (F) 51° 46° 41° 40° Wind Chill (F) N/A 39° 32° 30° At this time it's 57° and that's down 2° since I…
I found out about these Blue Zones a month or so ago. Went on the expedition with them to a Greek Island (virtually), read the info on their website, was intrigued by...And impressed with the simplicity of the idea. So when this TED Talk popped up on my Facebook Feed…
It was a nice place to sit and think for an hour or two. Bayou to the south, woods to the north...Sun in my face, wind at my back. The temperature was in the low 40's, but in the sun that was warm enough.
"It is landscape in places, seascape in others. Fjords slice deep into the towering mountain islands while the low-lying islands remain barely afloat, waterlogged and pock-marked with thousands of lochs."
Happy New Year. The old year ended with a fog that hung on all day long. After the sun retreated we had an unexpected rain shower. The nice thing about that was we can expect little in the way of damage from the fireworks to celebrate the end of the…
It's Sunday morning, two days after Christmas, the shines bright in a robin's egg sky. It's cold out...Though, nothing like most of the country. Yesterday's rain has given way to a still, beautiful morning...At least from the point of view of the window beside me as I sit here at…
Sitting behind my chair, at the back door, are two pairs of my shoes...I put on one or the other whenever I go outside. The remarkable thing about these two pair of shoes is that one is a pair of hiking boots for those cold frosty mornings like I talked…
The top-10 coffee-drinking countries: Finland (11.8 kilograms per person per year) Norway (9.6 kilograms) Denmark (9 kilograms) Iceland (9 kilograms) Switzerland (8.2 kilograms) Sweden (7.8 kilograms) Aruba (6.8 kilograms) Netherlands (6.7 kilograms) Belgium/Luxembourg (6.6 kilograms) Bosnia and Herzegovina (6.1 kilograms) via Top 10 coffee-drinking countries. And I don't see the…
After fighting through the issues this week after upgrading WordPress I decided it was time to speed up the opening of these pages...At least as much as I can living here on GoDaddy with all of the other websites. Gone are the picture badges for my other sites. Gone are…
The sun came up this morning over a frosty backyard. Frost two days in a row...Pretty unprecedented for this neck of the woods. It's been a different sort of "winter" already...And it's only really just beginning. These frosty morns leading up to pleasantly cool afternoons with highs in the 60's...What…
After staying up late watching "Australia" last night, I woke up early thanks to an alarm clock reset to wake my wife on Saturday that I forgot to set back to a normal wakeup call. I started reactivating plugins this morning until the "white screen of death" as Cali called…
I deactivated all of the plugins on this site and things seem to be working again...I haven't figured out which of the plugins I had installed were causing the problem. But, enough of this for this day...I'm gonna go veg with a movie and hit this again tomorrow. For anyone…
Is it time to move my blog hosting to another provider? Intermittent problems with pulling up back-end pages in my blogs is beginning to get to me. For months I have had problems with getting the "Add New Post" page to open over at North Carolina Mountain Dreams...Sometimes it opened…
Updated my blogs overnight and this morning...My problems with NC Mtn Dreams seems to have migrated here now. I am beginning to be a little frustrated with the loss of functionality. Sadly, I don't know if I need to blame WordPress or GoDaddy. But after the reply I received when…
My backyard this morning... Fall is here... Tho' memories of summer days persist... Even as winter comes near. Blue kiddie pool... Cracked and faded from summer fun... Holds not but fallen leaves... A tree's memories of summer sun. The photo album is full... Electronic memories preserved... Photo screensaver on laptops...…