From Spring Back Into Winter…The Difference A Day Makes.

The Weather Yesterday, when I went through my daily email, this is what I saw from the weather gurus at Currently (on Fri 6:22AM CST from Pearland Regional Airport) Thunderstorm Temp: 70° Dewpoint: 64° Wind: S 10 MPH Today's email brought this... Currently (on Sat 6:06AM CST from Pearland Regional…

Are You A Lover Of Maps?

The computer lets us approach in a startling demonstration of general-to-specific. The world becomes a continent becomes a region; a particular city surrounded by mountains; a set of streets; a house on a certain corner, with a brick walk and a tree in the backyard: someone’s home, someone’s place in…

WordPress Simple Security — Replace the “admin” account | Website In A Weekend

NOTE: AS USUAL BACK UP EVERYTHING BEFORE PROCEEDING! (Only takes a couple of minutes!) Here’s how. Login as “Admin” user. Pull down the “Users” menu in administration page. Click on “Add New” Add a new user, set your permissions to “Administrator” Save the changes, and log out. Log back in…

Top 10 coffee-drinking countries

The top-10 coffee-drinking countries: Finland (11.8 kilograms per person per year) Norway (9.6 kilograms) Denmark (9 kilograms) Iceland (9 kilograms) Switzerland (8.2 kilograms) Sweden (7.8 kilograms) Aruba (6.8 kilograms) Netherlands (6.7 kilograms) Belgium/Luxembourg (6.6 kilograms) Bosnia and Herzegovina (6.1 kilograms) via Top 10 coffee-drinking countries. And I don't see the…

WordPress 2.9 Blues

Updated my blogs overnight and this morning...My problems with NC Mtn Dreams seems to have migrated here now. I am beginning to be a little frustrated with the loss of functionality. Sadly, I don't know if I need to blame WordPress or GoDaddy. But after the reply I received when…

Summer Memories…

My backyard this morning... Fall is here... Tho' memories of summer days persist... Even as winter comes near. Blue kiddie pool... Cracked and faded from summer fun... Holds not but fallen leaves... A tree's memories of summer sun. The photo album is full... Electronic memories preserved... Photo screensaver on laptops...…