The sun was out to start, under mostly clouded skies, it didn't last on this cool morning coffee muses.
Miracle of miracles, over a month into this spring season and it still feels like a spring morning coffee muses.
Not as cool... But cool enough for a spring morning coffee muses
Warmer, just a bit of humidity, but beautiful spring morning coffee muses.
The view out the windows today is just the same as it's been over and over for my morning coffee muses.
A cold and dreary repeat of a morning coffee muses.
The cold north wind is making the trees dance for my morning coffee muses.
Rain, thunder, and more rain and thunder, a warm wet morning coffee muses.
A cool, quiet, wintery looking morning coffee muses...
It's a bright but cloudy, almost cold, morning coffee muses.
A foggy, damp, warmish birthday morning coffee muses.
A foggy, damp, warmish birthday morning coffee muses.
Early Birthday Road Trip No pictures yet, I'll work on adding some in the morning. It was overcast all day. A long gray road trip... The Wildlife Refuge was almost empty of birds. The most common birds were ibis, I also saw a couple Mississippi KItes and a Crested Caracara.…
It looks wintery, but it feels way to warm and humid, Sunday morning coffee muses.
Another wintery looking, cool, gusty, morning coffee muses.
A wintery look, if not quite wintery feel for an end of week morning coffee muses.
'Tis the first day of February, Abigail's Day, a fine morning coffee muses.
Another beautiful winter's morning coffee muses.
The sun is shining brightly on a cool and breezy mid winter's morning coffee muses.
Bright, bright, beautifully clear, blue skies... cool winter morning coffee muses.
Cool, damp after fog overnight, gray morning coffee muses.
A comfortably warm, very damp, end of January morning coffee muses.
Breezy, overcast, warmer but feeling colder morning coffee muses.
A frosty mid-thirties start on a bright and sunny morning coffee muses.
Not a bad winter's morning coffee muses.
Just another beautiful winter's morning coffee muses.
The sun is battling with high clouds and a cool front is dropping the temperatures on the Monday Morning Coffee Muses.
It's warm, it's sunny, and the ceiling fans are on and the umbrella is open for my morning coffee muses.
Almost warm, almost foggy morning coffee muses.
A light but steady rain is falling on the cool morning coffee muses.