2023 Day 223

Friday August 11th

It’s just another hot August morning in Southeast Texas. There are a few clouds floating around in the sky but there’s not enough moisture to even wet your mouth.

It’s exactly this time of year that I start hearing the call of the mountains…

And I guess it’s official.. or officially official.. that drought is here and plans to stay a while…

Not that there was any doubt in the past few weeks that it was extremely dry here.

And as the heat ramps up in the environment, I can’t help but feel the heat is ramping up in the sociopolitical realm. And to be honest, I really can’t understand it.

The dichotomy of what’s real and what’s not, what’s fact and what’s opinion, what’s the truth and what’s the lie have become so polarized and so polarizing that this country is rapidly becoming ungovernable.

And when the inciter-in-chief goes out of his way to Jenn up violence to try and keep himself out of jail.. our political system seems to grind to a stop. Not that it is all his fault alone. Had he not been enabled to begin with by the minority that is trying to stay in power no matter what… We would still find ourselves having devolved into a polarized situation.

I can’t say that I ever thought I would see the time in my life where almost half of this country would be looking for a tyrant to rule over them. Live and learn…

Oh well, rant over… y’all stay cool.. TGIF.. I’ll catch y’all on the other side.

Counting Down To 70 Years – 179 Days