November 24th

Thanksgiving Thursday

After the summer we’ve had, I feel I should be giving thanks for the rain we are having… But as much as I love slow and steady, 2 inches in 2 hours is a bit much!

Of course, when you are expecting 20 people for dinner, and all of your parking areas are full of water…. Anxiety can grow.

Hopefully, with this line of thunderstorms having blown over…. And a few hours until dinner … Some of this standing water will have drained off.

But what will be will be… So here’s wishing all of you Happy Thanksgiving…

2 thoughts on “November 24th

  1. I learned my lesson down at the Galveston state park/bayside yesterday. It’s time for boots again! Tell your guests. And happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks Linda Happy Thanksgiving to you… Yep we’ll just have to wade through water to get to and from the house… Enjoy your day.

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