It’s Tuesday

There are clouds to the east of us…
There are clouds to the west of us…
But there are no clouds to the south of us, or over us…

The prognosticators are foretelling of a chance of scattered showers this afternoon. Unfortunately for us, these chances of precipitation seldom pan out.
Sherry was so excited yesterday morning because they received an hours worth of rain at her workplace. She felt compelled to text me with that good news. Sadly, I had to reply that once again we had none.
I think it’s time to find a copy of In-A-Gada-Da-Vida. Back in my misspent youth, absolutely every time I danced to the drums solo in that song… It rained… Every time.
Sadly I don’t think my old body could maintain bouncing around for 17 minutes. Maybe somebody out there could take my place… Because as the picture shows we really, really need some rain.
Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for our dysfunctional country and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side…
Hope your rain dance works, Gary. I didn’t know that In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida had that kind of power. Good to know!
It’s a funny thing Gary, I don’t know how many decades ago it was that I last thought about that song… It’s really been a long time.