The 19th of June, Twenty Twenty-two

It’s Fathers Day… And Sunday

My family in the foreground, Dad on the chair, Mom laying on the ground beside me, Family Reunion circa 1954

It’s the 26th anniversary of my father’s death. Damn, it’s been awhile since we talked Dad…

When Horace Andrew Boyd and his twin sister Helen Ann were born on September 8, 1921, in Glen Flora, Texas, their father, James, was 39, and their mother, Sarah, was 39. He married Iris Merlene Sewell on August 9, 1952, in Orchard, Texas. They had four children during their marriage. He died on July 19, 1996, in Pasadena, Texas, at the age of 74, and was buried there.

Dad was always full of stories. Any trip into his old home grounds of Wharton County would lead to side trips looking for this home place or that home place while he would tell about his family. Summers in my childhood were spent staying with different members of his family for a week here, a week there… An aunt and uncle here, a grown cousin over there. Walking the very ground my father walked before me. His family was large, twelve kids. One died shortly after birth, another twin. Two had passed by 1960.

I’ve missed his stories this past quarter century. His father preceded him by almost 40 years… I really only have vague memories of my paternal Grandfather. My maternal Grandfather, Grandpa Sewell died less than a year before Dad… It wasn’t a real good twelve months. So my fatherly (and grandfatherly) stories shut down twenty-six years ago.

So what does my eldest son give me on Fathers Day? A one year subscription to Storyworth… So each Monday I’ll be presented with a question to be answered online and formatted into a book.

Storyworth makes it easy to record your family stories. Like our page for links to happy stories and the latest Storyworth news!

Each week, we email your storyteller a question about their life. All they have to do is reply with a story. We save their stories and share them with your family members. 

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So… Thanks Nick… It’s just like you to give me a Fathers Day gift where I have to do all the work… And Dad, I still miss you!

Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. And happy Fathers Day to all the kids out there remembering a Father no longer here… Remember the happy times…