The 3rd of June, Twenty Twenty-two


It’s bright out this morning. The sun is shining on a freshly washed world. The showers that were predicted for yesterday evening actually showed up. They weren’t large, the duration of the rain was fairly short, but, while it lasted it was fairly heavy. Though the sound and light show that accompanied that it hits and the near misses was quite impressive.

The temperature this morning is 74°. Which isn’t really that cool… But, with the ceiling fans supplying a nice little air movement, it feels cool. And in southeast Texas it’s the feels like temperature that is most important.

The soundscape of the backyard definitely has a summer-like feel. Individual birds singing their song of territory in different parts of the soundscape. Even though the Carolina Wren that flew up to visit with me kept its silence.

What I’m not seeing very many of yet this summer are the patrols of dragonflies. I am seeing just a few which draws attention to the absence of the many. Though truth be told, now that my eye is focused on them, there are more than I thought. They’re just scattered through more layers of the air than usual.

There is a family of Cardinals fluttering around the perimeter of the yard. The male almost flew up to me but turned away when he became aware that I was here. It appears that he is accompanied by either a female and a fledgling or two fledglings. They Don’t seem to be in any hurry to abandon their trip to the feeders for a breakfast of seeds… So they are waiting my leaving to return

Since the turn of the hour, the sounds of the construction machines… The beep, beep, beep, beep that seems to be everywhere these days, is becoming almost constant. I shall not let their noise drive me from this pleasant start to the day.

But, I will finish this post, post haste. I’ll catch y’all on the other side…