Second of June Twenty Twenty-two


I am out on the front porch this morning watching the world go by as the sun gets higher in the sky. It’s a bit cooler out today, 74° and it feels a bit less humid.

There’s a red bird in the chaste tree. Now she’s moved to the mimosa. The last few mornings, when I walked out on the front porch, I noticed the chaste tree has been shedding it’s fine little black seeds. I’ve used the floor fan to blow them off the porch before I get settled.

Last week I had commented here about the visibility of the bypass from this location on my porch. Well, in a week’s time they have piled the sand that they’ve been removing from their retention ponds into a large enough pile to block my view of the traffic on the bypass. All day, everyday, free very large dump trucks have been hauling loads of sand from where they’re digging the pond to where they’re piling it by the bypass. It’s really too bad it won’t stay piled there.

They’ve picked up the recycling, but, it’ll be much later in the day before they pick up the garbage.

And still, the traffic on the road seems lighter than I would expect. Though, there’s still a large number of dump trucks moving up and down on a route they should not be taking. And if they keep this up the bridge over the drainage ditch won’t last much longer. Back a decade or so ago when they get a engineering assessment of all the bridges in Texas, it was rated subpar. For a number of years the school district wouldn’t even run school buses across it. Crazily, it’s one of the few ditches in the county that wasn’t replaced… And school buses cross it all the time now.

It’s been pleasant out this morning. But, my coffee cup needs a refill and I feel like I’m coming to the end of my morning muse… So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for this dysfunctional nation and the dysfunctional world it’s in… Catch y’all on the other side.