March 28th, 2022


Spring is working at showing it’s colors… Watching the different trees of the same species as they leaf out on different schedules is fun. Some of the oaks have already reached that spring green color… While the tree beside them is just breaking bud. The bald cypress are the same way. While the red oaks and pecans are still in their winter nakedness. They are joined by the chaste tree and the mimosa… bare.

The afternoons are already reaching into the 80’s. The nightly lows are only falling into the 50’s now…If we are lucky. But, becoming more common are the 60’s. Yes, spring is here…

Sitting on the porches in the afternoon now requires a fan to be comfortable.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for our dysfunctional country and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side…