October Twelveth, 2021


Here we are in the middle of October and summer has come back to visit. Over the weekend, the morning lows have moved back into the upper 70s. And stepping out on the back porch, are the front porch for that matter, is like stepping into a sauna… Humidities up in the ’90s and temperatures pushing the ’80s… Where did our preview of fall vanish to?

I’ve already spent many frustrating minutes trying to set up the online banking with our new bank. It’s not like this was my choice. It seems our bank has been acquired once again by a new entity. And since last Friday my online banking features have been on hold.

So, when I logged in this morning to the new website I had high hopes for a seamless transition… But it’s not to be. So sometimes this morning I will have to call in and join what I’m sure are numerous folks on hold to find out why I can’t sign up for online banking without an employee or employer identification number. I just want to be able to pay my bills from my checking account why do I need a company ID?

I always knew this was going to be a problematic week. Oh well… Somehow, someway it will get fixed. And then life will go on… Or at least, my financial life will go on.

Me, I’m just hoping to make it through the week till the next cool front blows through… Next week’s highs are foretold to be in the ’70s… Basically exactly where our lows today are. And the lows next week, I see some 50s in the forecast… I can’t wait!

So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for this dysfunctional country and the world… But especially pray for our dysfunctional state and it’s Trumpian policies. Once again our crazy governor has made headlines around the country by mandating no mandates… Such an oxymoron… Excuse me, such an oxygen stealing moron!

I’ll catch y’all on the other side…