October First, 2021


Today is wet! Yesterday we had a heavy midday thunderstorm that dropped quite a bit of water. Overnight more thunderstorms move through the area. Today is just wet! The yard is full of standing water in all of the low spots. Today is just wet!

Stepping outside this morning it’s muggy… The temperature is far from cool in the mid 70s. The humidity has coated the world with condensation. Overall the feeling is of wetness.

And according to the prognosticators… More rain is foretold.

So all at all this last day of the work week, this first day of October, this wet and soggy day is going to be lazy… It’s going to be sleepy… It’s going to be somewhat depressing.

So, I’m just going to move on with my day… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our dysfunctional nation and world.

Catch y’all on the other side…