August the 15th, 2021


It’s Sunday morning quiet on the back porch this a.m. . Even the birds are keeping it quiet this morning.

The temperature is 75°. Unusual, really unusual, for this time of the calendar. Even the humidity is down a notch at just 92%. I have to admit, that the grass is extremely green for mid-August.

The hummingbirds are patrolling already this morning. In their miniature battles for dominance they cannot stand do you have another Hummer at “their” feeder.

I just had a hawk land in the backyard, hop around a bit until he caught a snake, a small little grass snake.

The sun’s been up a while, and all of a sudden, the world seems to have awoken. Birds are starting to chitter. The background sounds of nature or filling in. It’s not like it’s loud out it’s just the silence isn’t silent anymore. Whereas earlier it was an individual bird call that would interrupt the quietude. Now, it’s a steady murmur of bird voices just announcing their presence in the day.

I would imagine the coffee pot has finished with its job of making a fresh pot. And I think I would like my first cup… So, y’all stay safe, day healthy, wear that damn mask, and pray for the nation and the world and the once great state of Texas.