August the 9th, 2021


I was pulled from my slumber by the roar of lawn mowers in the yard. The lawn crew was busy at work early on this Monday morning. By the time they were done and gone It was 9:00 a.m. .

According to the online weather folks, it’s already 85°. All I know is it feels quite warm on the back porch. At least the temperature is higher than the humidity… For a change.

The cattle egrets are flocking to the freshly mown yard. I think they prefer fresh mown yards to following the cattle and the horses they normally use for a lunch counter.

The dragonflies are in mid-summer mode. Hundreds patrolling back and forth up and down in the air above the grass. Sharing space with the occasional wasp and mud dauber and butterfly. But the dragonflies own the air above the yard.

This afternoon I get to run into Houston for my monthly visit with the podiatrist. I really don’t look forward to the afternoon trip. Starting next month, once the kids are back in school, I’ll roll it around to a morning appointment. About the only good thing I can say about this trip is it does take me back through parts of town and the county that I used to drive on a daily basis a decade or so ago. And oh my Lord how the world has changed in the last almost 13 years.

Well my coffee’s almost empty, and I feel the need for breakfast of some sort… I’ll stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world… And please stay up special prayer for all the kids headed back to school… Especially in places where masked mandates have been banned by the idiots running the states.