This is the kind of spring morning in Southeast Texas that you just want to cherish. Blue skies, low temperatures, hello humidity. The temperature this morning 63°.
I can see the latest update to Android is going to take some getting used to {period} it seems as if suddenly you cannot place punctuation by saying the punctuation {period} for some reason then you update wants to bracket and spell punctuation {period} and then it doesn’t capitalize the next sentence {period} After finally getting used to dictating these post I can see now I’m going to have to try and figure out what the hell is going on {period} did someone actually think this was an improvement {question-mark}
I am not looking forward to having to dig into the guts of the Android operating system to see if this can be changed. And the very fact that I now have to change the way I dictate and not only pay attention to the totally screwed up transcriptions but also the punctuation.
But no matter, it’s still a beautiful day on the back porch. I don’t even have to use the ceiling fans this morning. I’m watching the birds play, is really kind of fun…
There was a bluebird on the house on the shed this morning. And while I’m sure the cleanup of the yard has upset some birds, and probably trashed a few nest, they’ll get used to it shortly.
Sitting out waiting for the bus this morning, the whistling ducks we’re having fun around the neighborhood. The ruby throated hummingbird is catching the sunlight as it visits the feeder. And there was a hawk in the Red oak that I didn’t see until it flew into the pines behind. The Blue Jays are upset with me for sitting on the porch… They just don’t trust me as they come to the feeders.
Oh well, wife is taking a long weekend so I’m sure we will have things to do… And I should probably get in and get ready.
Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation in the world.
Well, life around here is similar, except the bluejays aren’t showing any signs of shyness. There are a pair of very young gray squirrels out and about, too. I kept wondering why the hedges outside my window looked like a 60 mph wind was blowing, and I finally got the answer when two heads popped up from inside the hedge. Those darn squirrels were inside, eating the leaves. At least now I know why some branches are broken and brown. I hope they figure out soon that sunflower seeds and peanuts are tastier!
I’ve almost quit counting squirrels as part of the wildlife around here… they are so numerous . But every year when the mimosa beans are ripe they sit and munch for hours.