Sunday, 9th of May

Mother’s Day

It’s a blustery Sunday morning. It’s warm enough, they say there’s a chance of rain. From looking at the weather forecast for the whole USA, cold air is dropping down into the south… Just not quite here. And not quite today. Today looks to be stormy in the heartland.

Now the coffee pot is finished dripping, I suppose I should get up and pour me my first cup. Except, I’m really not used to fresh coffee hot from the coffee pot. My first pot of coffee is usually lukewarm. And I’ve gotten accustomed to that temperature… The nice thing is you can’t burn your mouth on lukewarm coffee.

It’s kind of like these coffee muses… There’s a lot of sameness in these thoughts I have each morning. These observations of the weather. These thoughts on the nature of being in this time and place. Yes a sameness, a familiarity, a mind following familiar paths. As I’ve meandered on many times, going to places I’ve been before, going to places I’ll visit again… And again… And again.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation in the world… And if you’re blessed to still have a mother give her a call on this Mother’s Day.