23rd of April, Friday

Yesterday before noon, the sky started hiding behind the clouds. By this morning small batches of rain are moving through the area. The other thing about all of this gulf moisture is, the temperature this morning was already above 70 degrees.

The prognosticators are foretelling of an 80 plus percent chance of precipitation. They’re not calling for a lot of precipitation just a high chance. That’s pretty much been a story of our weather all winter long and into spring. High percentage chances of moisture but low actual rain amounts. That could be why after one of the cloudiest winters on record we are moving into spring with a moisture deficit.

The kids are out of school, the teachers have a training day or some such. So I’ll be playing Grandpa today…

But, due to not having to get them on buses this morning I got to sleep in. Though, it’s later in the day that normal, it really looks like it’s just about sunrise outside. But then again, it’s looked like this a lot this year.

I read in the paper (so no trees were killed) that the Texas freeze it’s causing economic woes all over the country. Even in Minnesota, where the utilities were able to keep their electricity and gas moving, prices spite because Texas wouldn’t. Texas exceptionalism at work…

Well I need to eat breakfast. And get on with my day. So y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for everyone. Have a wonderful Friday and enjoy your weekend.