20th of April, Tuesday

I sure have to love the sunrise this morning. Not only was it colorful, it was a nice, cool, 52°. Though lacking in my normal appreciation of the bird song as it was kind of quiet. Also lacking this morning was the North breeze that’s been blowing since Sunday. Not that I’m complaining mind you, as it was nice and cool without the breeze.

So far at least, the only effect of my second coronavirus vaccination seems to be a slight soreness in my arm. And maybe just barely a headache in my sinuses. So, knock on wood, hopefully I’ve skated past the worst of it. Not that I have any plans to act any differently in the near nor the medium range future. Masks and social distancing will still be my new normal when out in public.

Looking around my yard, I’m holding out a little hope for some of my fruit trees. They seem to have been affected by the freeze worse than I would have expected. I can understand the citrus plants being knocked back. But my mulberries… I wouldn’t have thought the freeze would affect them quite as much. I’ll give them all plenty of time before I cut them off at the ground. I really don’t know that I’ll bother trying to replace them…

Well, my first load of laundry is in the washer, the dishwasher is loaded and running… So I really should get up and get moving as much as I ever do.

Y’all have a good day, stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.

One thought on “20th of April, Tuesday

  1. Glad you seem to have skated with the side effects. There was a touch of that lemony-yellow sunrise over here, too, and it sure was pretty.

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