The 8th of April, Thursday

The air is heavy with moisture. There’s a light fog hanging close to the ground. And a heavy dew has coated everything with big fat water droplets. As we said at the end of the driveway waiting for the bus, great big fat water droplets make patterns on the windshield. The temperature… 63° this morning. Pleasant but damp.

The bird songs before setup were loud and expressive. Males of every shape and color pronouncing their territory. Advertising for a mate. Letting the world know they exist and they matter.

Every morning I see more signs that the whistling ducks are back in town. Yesterday morning one landed in the tree across the road as we sat at the bus stop. It is such an off-putting sight to see a duck in a tree. Something goes against the grain. Webbed feet on a tree limb.

The time is rapidly approaching where I’m going to have to break down and attack the yard with the mower. I would like to wait for most of the “wildflowers” to set seed so I have another years pleasure come spring. I am already fighting with the women folk in the house about the yard needing mowing. But, since I’m the one who mows… On this one I get the final say.

Well it’s that time… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for the nation and the world.

Enjoyed this wonderful spring Thursday.

2 thoughts on “The 8th of April, Thursday

  1. I passed by the Fannin monument in Goliad last weekend. There were some nice wildflowers there, and this sign. If it’s good enough for Col. Fannin, it should be good enough for us. Right?

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