Third of April, Saturday


Just a tad bit warmer this morning at 57°. And the sun is hiding above the clouds. Though the forecast calls for more sun than clouds. It’s still out this morning, nary a breeze stirring.

There’s a plane flying over, and a train whistling on the tracks. So even though it’s quiet out, it’s not really.

The world outside has really greened up. With a really nice assortment of ” wildflowers “… You know, the ones most suburbanites call weeds. But I enjoy the look of a spring meadow even if it’s only for a short while.

Well it’s time to check my emails and all the other assorted odds and ends that happen first thing in the morning. Then its time for breakfast…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, pray for our nation and our world.

Have a good Saturday.

Here’s a couple of pictures of the after sunset sky from last evening…