March 16, Tuesday

It’s another hazy, foggy morning. The temperature is 68°. It looks like it ought to be cool, but it’s not. But, foggy mornings are definitely quiet.

I find myself this morning actually watching Morning Joe. Amazingly, we’re still dealing with the aftermath of January the 6th… Insurrection day.

Just amazing. It’s really kind of funny, how I haven’t felt compelled to watch the news daily now that Joe Biden is president. I just don’t feel the same sense of panic that he’ll do something totally crazy like Donald Trump did… Over and over and over and over again.

Day two of spring break. Yesterday the kids were almost hidden in their rooms. They’ve reached that age, where they’d rather be in their rooms and on their digital apparatuses, that interacting with this old man. I can vaguely, through the great fog of time, remember when that was me. Hanging in my room, headphones on, listening to my music… Nothing like a computer or a cell phone in existence. Many, many hours spent with my nose buried in a book.

Well today is laundry day. My first load is in the washer. Just a weekly repeat of a schedule I’ve been following for at least a decade now, probably longer. My little rebellion against what was once a said in stone tradition for most housewives of laundry day being on Mondays. That’s my life, pointless rebellions against traditions. While at the same time honoring, sometimes by my rebellion, those very same traditions.

It’s approaching 9:00 a.m. and it’s still looks like the sun is barely up outside. Overcast days piled on top of overcast days. It’s been a long, long run of overcast days this winter. There’s been enough wind the last few days to blow the feeders hanging on the bar into a tight little group. I guess I need to get out and separate them a bit. And, it’d be a good idea, to refill a couple of feeders. Though the one setting on my little fireplace that keeps getting emptied by the squirrel, I think I’ll leave empty for a little while till the squirrel forgets about it.

Well my cup is empty, and breakfast calls. So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.

Have a great day.