March 15, Monday

It’s a foggy, foggy morning out. The big cool down that was expected last week failed to materialize. The morning low is just 64 degrees. The prognosticators are now aiming at Thursday for our next chance at a more moderate morning temperature. Daylight savings time sure affected the look and feel of the first day of spring break for the grandkids… It’s like being back in mid winter with the lateness of daybreak.

But then again, looking out my windows, it looks like midwinter out there. Dreary, wet, cold looking. But, there’s more green each and every day… patches of green in the brown grass. new green leaves popping out on the bushes. Flower buds swelling and opening. Azalais blooming in the front yard. I even saw a redbud in bloom driving around over the weekend. So even though it may look like winter, spring is bursting out all over… at lest, around here.

Just for grins here is a new single from one of my favorite alternative/folk/Appalachian/roots artists. Have a listen. I think you’ll enjoy it…

So… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.

Have a wonderful day…