Sunday, November 29, 2020

The sun was shinning thru the clouds with a squinting brightness when I walked out… now the clouds have closed back in and the glare is gone.

A blustery north wind is cooling the morning. A cardinal sings from the edge of the woods. Two days of rain have soaked the world, needed moisture in a dry fall.

Today will be a day of rest and reflection. The trees are decorated, the mantle redressed, the wreath on the door now reflects the Christmas season, nick knacks and gee gaws of a Christmas variety line shelves and tabletops. The attic floor groans with relief with all of the boxes now downstairs… at least until the new year arrives and it all returns up the ladder.

A Sunday morning train is passing through town as a lot of wintery clouds pass overhead. I think it’s time to head on in… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world.