Thursday, October 29, 2020

It’s too cold to enjoy the back porch as the sun lightens the eastern sky… A clear, star filled sky. The thermometer is telling me the temperature on the porch is all of 47 degrees. That us just a bit too cool to enjoy without breaking out the winter hoodie.

So, even though I stepped outside for a quick photo, I’ll spend my coffee muses time with this view… as I listen to my granddaughter eat breakfast before virtually learning at the dining table.

The patches of sky I can see thru the windows are brighter by the minute. Though they have yet to take on any color… not even blue.

Sitting here thinking about the state we find ourselves in as we close in on election day. Gary Myers had a post this morning where he quotes Elaine Griffin Baker…

The challenges AND the triumphs that we shared and celebrated. The unique can-do spirit Americans have always been known for.

We are lost.

We have lost so much

In so short a time.”

Elaine Griffin Baker, Redtree Times

What a telling piece. The malaise we feel… all walking around in a fugue. Unable to process the dissociative reality and the neverending harangue coming from the White House.

“We’ve turned the corner on the Coronavirus”, he keeps telling us… but, my lying eyes are telling me a different truth. My lying eyes are showing me people without masks in public spaces. My lying eyes keep showing me people elbow to elbow, chanting “lock her up”. My lying eyes show me the hypocrisy of courts being packed with young judges after denying appointments for years.

Maybe it’s just me… and a majority of my fellow Americans… at least according to every poll I’ve ever seen… I find myself walking to a different drumbeat than the one being heard by our Republican “leaders”. I don’t know… I was raised to believe in “Truth, Justice and the American Way”. When did those things go out of style?

I mean, voting… where but in the old south, did systemic disenfranchisement of voting rights for whole segments of the population happen.? Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s in every Republican led state in the country… in every election. I’ve lived my life with games being played at every level… And now we’ve packed the Supreme Court with enough Justices to ensure a selection if the election looks close… Lord, help us if they make that call again…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. As bad as it’s been… it could get even worse. Go vote… preferably Blue. Mask up. And wash your hands… it’s a jungle in Congress and it needs to change.