Friday, October 23, 2020

It’s 50 minutes till sunrise, but already I can see fog around the lights in the neighborhood. It’s not the normal ground fog either… even in the dark I can see it reaches to the tops of the trees. While it’s not a pea soup kind of fog, I’m sure it will thicken as we close in on daylight.

The only sound out right now are the night sounds from the chickens. I’m not even hearing any traffic sound really. The muffling effect of fog… a horse across the bayou just neighed… I seldom hear much from them.

Ten minutes on and the eastern sky is beginning to lighten.

Well, I watched the final debate last night… I almost have to wonder if they put the President*** on antianxiety meds he was so not the Donald. The main takeaway I had was that his persecution is a mile wide and as deep as an ocean trench. If I had to hear one more time how unfairly someone or something has treated him as he bullies and lies his way through life I’ll probably scream… and watching the Donald always causes my voice to rise in volume.

And still all his plans for a second term are shrouded in puffery and platitudes. If there’s a real plan in there somewhere it would surprise me greatly.

“I take full responsibility. It’s not my fault that it came here. It’s China’s fault,”

President Donald Trump

I find it very sad that the man who thought he was a businessman, also thought he could do the job of president. All without ever reading the instruction manual… the constitution of the United States. Would he have even run had he thought he might actually have to do the job?

Well, in less than two weeks we’ll have an answer to what kind of country we the people want to live in. I can only hope it’s the same one I thought I was living in all along… the almost great United States of America. It might only be great in our own minds, but it had ideals. And sometimes we actually lived up to them.

I don’t want to make America great again… I just want to make it America again.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. If you haven’t cast your vote yet, go out and vote in person as early as you can… but safely.