Once again we are being promised a fifty percent chance of rain. The prognosticators are also foretelling of highs next week in the upper eighties… of course, that foretelling comes with a good chance of rain all week. Oh well, if I can have cooler weather, I’ll take a little rain.
The hummingbird invasion continues. Yesterday they finished off one of the feeders I had just filled the day before. So while making new sugar water, I filled three more feeders. I added two to the front yard and another to the back. I now have a total of seven set up. If the numbers keep climbing I have four more I can add to the mix…

The shots today are all a progression of this morning’s sunrise. The one you don’t see unless you go to the post… and then it’s the one at the top is the final shot after almost all of the color faded…
There are eight hummers on the two feeders in the yard right now. Other than a single Blue Jay off in the distance, not much is happening out here.

It’s time to finish up and head in… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World…