Friday, July 31, 2020

Looking towards the rising sun, the sky always has a different shade of blue. Especially on these hazy, heavy, humid mornings. It’s almost as pronounced as the change in the hue of green that happens as you cross the line between my yard and my neighbors.

That color change in the grass is a conundrum. Neither yard has been fertilized… at least in the quarter century I’ve been living here. For years I even mowed a big chunk of the other yard. Yet, there is that color change.

The granddaughter just stepped out and commented on the weather. It’s. And I’m quoting here, really hot outside. And it’s already 80 degrees, so I guess she’s right.

I have a feeling that the only real reason I grew up playing outside in the summers was the lack of air conditioning. Most summer days were hot back then… maybe not quite as hot as today… but, the houses were even hotter by early afternoon. Even with fans, summer days in suburban homes were not comfortable.

Crows are cawing all around us. Not close, but moving closer. Gathering, discussing whatever it is that crows gather to talk about. The cicadas are joining the ruckus with their own buzzing.

And way off… construction sounds abound. The new fire station is growing rapidly. And just around the corner from that it looks like a new apartment complex is being built. Two of the remaining large unimproved properties now being “improved”.

Luckily, the unimproved land that was wooded behind me was only improved enough to become a wooded pasture. And the property next door, where the past owner wanted to put a dozen town homes, became a single family home. There is still some large parcels to my north. And at some point, they’ll get “improved” I’m sure.

A nice little breeze is starting to pick up. But the sun has just about reached my feet… warming the concrete porch even more than the air. Add to that, my coffee cup being empty and it’s time to beat a hasty retreat.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation. I don’t think the president* has the humility to even attempt or realise that a prayer would be more useful than what he is doing now.