Friday, July 17, 2020

As I sit on the front porch this morning, thunderstorms are moving in from the east. When I walked out I thought it was overcast by the look of the light. It turned out to be just the eastern quarter of the sky. In the few minutes I’ve been watching, the clouds now cover over half of the sky and growing. As the thunder, which started as just a hint of a rumble in the distance is now fully a booming, filling thunder… still a ways off but moving fast.

Yeah… headed right at us… and most of the rest of the area. Oh well we could use the rain, even if a storm isn’t needed for the effect.

As the storms come our way, it has one of the whistling ducks antsy. It’s moved from one tree to another at least four times since I sat down. Make that five times. It’s neat watching such a large bird slowly and quietly move around under the high canopy. It really does just seem to float. And that makes six… and now the first is joined by a second.

Whoever would have thought I’d be sitting on my front porch watching the antics of docks without the benefit of a Harvey like sustained rain event first. And watching ducks land on essentially vertical sections of tree trunks… not a sight I thought I’d grow accustomed to.

It’s really too bad it’s so dark out or I’d try to capture some shots… oh well. The rain is beginning to patter down.

Before the rain gets steady I’m going to finish this muse… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy whatever Mother Nature sends your way today.

2 thoughts on “Friday, July 17, 2020

  1. No rain here yet, but I give it about two minutes or so. The lightning and thunder are over the bay. You should see the squirrels! They just left their peanuts behind and are playing chase around the trees. I suspect the change in the atmosphere has them charged up, too. I’m going to have to adjust my schedule for the morning, it seems. I think I’ll start with another cup of coffee.

    1. Yeah, the ducks are still hunkered down in the trees. The jays were loud for a bit but have quieted down now. It’s been raining lightly now for about an hour but the thunder is still coming from the east and north. No lightning here that I’ve seen yet…

      I think I’ll join you in that cup of coffee.

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