Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I’m liking the shady front porch more and more as the summer progresses. And, the cooler morning temperature is even cooler feeling in all the shade.

The squirrels are going to town on the mimosa beans once again. Their steady munching a background sound different from most others.

Their seem to be more whistling ducks in my trees than I realized. Two have already flown away, but I just saw another move from one tree to another. Though, the blue Jays are acting all territorial and harrowing the larger birds that settle in.

On another note this morning, a pileated woodpecker called in from the woods before spending some time in my trees. Here’s their ancient call that thrills me everytime I hear it…

And above all, there’s a Mississippi kite soaring high in the sky.

Morning’s moving on and so should I. Stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy the day.

2 thoughts on “Tuesday, July 14, 2020

  1. It actually was a pleasant morning at work. Now, some office work has to be done, and then I’ll head back out about 4 or so. That woodpecker is neat. I’ve never seen one, but I think maybe I’ve heard that call. I’ll listen more carefully now.

    1. We have three different woodpeckers that are residing around here year round… but the pileated is my favorite. It’s also the largest. As large or a bit larger than a crow. Once you learn thier call. You never forget it.

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