Monday, June 22, 2020

Walking out this morning I almost turned around and went back in. Warm and way too humid. It was a like a slap in the face. The temperature was 81º and the humidity was 84%. We have a 60% chance of more rain in the forecast.

Looking thru the gaps in the trees all I see is clouds. But that’s not stopping the birds from singing. But it is keeping the yard in deep, almost gloomy, shade.

It’s fairly breezy this morning. Not that it’s helping the stickiness factor all Texans have learned to tolerate if not love about Texas summers. Though the heat and humidity is a big hit with the cicadas. I read that my friend Fred in Floyd was enjoying his cicadas and hoping to be around in 17 years to hear them again. That’s not a problem here ours sing their song of heat every year.

Once again the first cup is empty. And it’s not a pleasant morning to continue out on my bench. So stay healthy, stay safe, and stay dry… nobody needs a cold right now. Enjoy the day, that’s what it’s here for.

2 thoughts on “Monday, June 22, 2020

  1. My gracious, did we get rain this afternoon. Wind, too. So far, most of the birds are squirrels seem present and accounted for, and it looks like we’re good until tomorrow. I believe I might run to the grocery store, and maybe take a little walk.

    1. Same here Linda, for most of the day it was as dark as late evening. But, my what a noise surprise the temperatures were. I swear at one time i looked at the outdoor reading and it had dropped into the 60’s.

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