As I fought the call of day this morning, rumblings of thunder rolled my dreams. Once I gave up the fight I found rain falling steadily. I wasn’t anticipating this type of weather before tomorrow or the next day.

I just checked the radar. And it looks like this rain is going to fall for awhile. If it keeps to the slow and steady pace I’ll not complain, we needed it.
I will say that the rain isn’t keeping all of the birds quiet, just most. I just had a wet little chickadee land on a feeder. Dripping wet, it fluffed itself up and shook off the rain before heading back out into the wet.

The news from two weeks from now should be interesting. Maybe a bit longer… Tulsa will be Trump’s legacy, one way or the other. Whether it happens as the medical experts predict or, less likely from past history, as the president* is fantasizing… the health of thousands could be impacted by whether or not the social distancing guidelines are followed or totally ignored.
At the very least, we were able to be schooled by the president* on the historical significance of June 19th. It seems no one knew before Donald made the day famous.

Well, my time on the back porch is coming to an end. I’m going to need to fix breakfast and do whatever my better half says I need to do.
Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, if you’re anywhere near me… stay dry, and have a gorgeous day.