I’m enjoying the almost, but not quite, coolness of the front porch again. I have my native American flute playlist playing in the background… and strange as it may seem, the birds have moved in close to join the band.
A chickadee sits above my head. Some fledgling woodpeckers, downeys I believe, just fluttered thru following a parent into the pecan. The ever present cardinals are also singing right on top of me… they all must like the music.

I’m happy someone finally informed the president* of the significance of today’s date. Can you believe it, nobody knew before he found out… it’s too bad it took it this long to impinge upon his awareness.
I had a long, loud conversation with my brother last evening. He did everything he could to convince me that Democrats and Republicans are basically interchangeable. He tried mightily to convince me they both lie just as much… But, no matter what else, Republicans are better for the pocketbook. The only common sense thing he said was that since he’s closing in on retirement, the Democrats would probably have his best interests at heart. Thank God for small conseions.