I decided to reprise my yesterday, stepping out once again on the front porch. After doing so I was somewhat surprised by the coolness of the air. I really wasn’t expecting it to be below seventy, especially by this much. Trust me, as we rush towards July, I won’t complain about cooler than expected mornings.

It’s a nice morning to be out. The traffic moving in front of the house is lite. The traffic noises from the bypass, while steady, aren’t obtrusive. From the far side of Alvin, a train whistle announces it’s approach.
While, on all sides of me, cardinals are singing to mark their boundaries. And while no breeze stirs the branches, all over the yard branches are moving as squirrels make their presence known.
An odd fact I’ve noticed the past few years… my elderberries aren’t being pollinated as they once were. What used to be big masses of black berries are now empty flower bracts with a very few berries… sometimes only one or two.
There goes the first dump truck of the day.
Truck number two passed.
It’s almost time for the sun to start it’s trip south again. As the days start getting shorter once again, I’ll probably spend more of my mornings out here in the shade. With summer heat and sunshine on the back porch, this shaded retreat becomes more and more appealing.
Truck number three.

Well, the coffee cup is running low, and the day moving on. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and have a wonderful day.