It’s not as cool, not as comfortable as the past few days. I doubt I’ll be hanging out here on the back porch for much longer than it takes to record my morning muses.
There’s a raft of clouds building to the east. The humidity is up. And the cicadas are once again singing for warmth. When it deigns to blow the breeze cools the rising heat… when it deigns to blow.

It’s Monday morning quite out here. The only disionate sound being the murmur of chickens from around the corner. Dragonflies patrol on silent gossamer wings.
While we haven’t reached them yet, I can feel the dog days of summer creeping up on me. Memories of childhood and the long hot days of my youth speak from long, long ago… memories of life without air conditioning. How the expectations of summer have changed…
Lately I’ve been seeing the Mississippi kites that used to perch on the dead tree across from me. They are still soaring around in the same places, just not spending time perched where they are visible.

The crows are in the area. Kawing of to the west… welcoming the building clouds. There are blue Jays announcing their presence in the trees in front of me. The pecan trees are starting to wear the summertime shrouds of webworms. And the red flash of in the green background let’s the eye know before the ear can hear, the cardinals are here.
There’s a family of fledglings chattering as they chase their parents thru the pines… begging to be fed.
Well, my cup is empty. The summerness of the day is getting coastal Texas oppressive. Soooooooo, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and have a wonderful day… wherever you are.