Ahhhhhh, spring for the moment. Following my normal routine, I filled my coffee cup and headed out the back door after turning on the outside ceiling fans… after only a couple of minutes in the rocker I had to get up and turn off the ceiling fans. Walking out into the mid-sixties was unexpected… but oh wow nice.

There is no breeze stirring… no cloud to mar the crystal blue sky… Just a Carolina wren singing it’s joy with the morning.
The gentle roar of steel wheels on steel rails, the sound of an engine announcing it’s presence at a crossing. The background sound of rubber on concrete as multitudes of people go about their morning travels. While around me… birds sing.
Have you noticed an absence of information about the Coronavirus these last few weeks? It’s as if once the states started to reopen the pandemic no longer matters. Yet every day 1,000 Americans die from the virus. Hospitalizations are up throughout middle America. And more and more of the people I see are following the example set by their amazing president* and abstaining from social distancing and face coverings. And we all know how well abstinence works at solving society’s problems.

My coffee’s gone, my allergies are kicking up… it happens everytime after I mow… so as much as I enjoy the morning, I’m heading in.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and have a peaceful day.