I decided to try the front porch this morning. Since it’s almost 80 out before 7am, the floor fan is on. Though, the almost steady breeze has a cooling effect of it’s own.
The dryness of the concrete lets me know even without checking the radar, that we missed whatever overnight rains were foretold. And a viewing of said radar shows a ban of rain just off the coast.

The view above shows just how old style air conditioning was handled. Grow lots of large shade trees around the house site. Because the original home on this site sat right in the big middle of those trees. And it worked very well right up until Hurricane Ike. Then we lost two of the huge oaks on the western side of the house. Which let the hot afternoon sun beat down upon the kitchen side of the house heating it up immensely.
It’s another morning of louder than normal traffic sounds coming from the bypass. The thumps of the tire on the expansion joints beat a drumbeat to the songs of the cardinals.
The going to work traffic in front of my house is looking like it’s back to normal. You wouldn’t even know there was a pandemic from the evidence at hand. Other than the mounting death toll, that is.

My coffee cup is empty. So I’m going to have to go in and check the news… stay safe, stay healthy and just think… you’re living thru history right now… it’s like we’ve all been cursed with living in interesting times.
But the humidity has dropped noticeably since I got up. Hooray hoorah — it’s Christmas in June!