Laundry Day.
If I can be said to have a schedule, about the only sure thing I do with regularity is laundry day. Every Tuesday I get up and take my shower, then I sort the dirty laundry and take the first load to the laundry room and get the washer started. It’s really just me thumbing my nose at the tradition of laundry day being on Mondays.
Well, the sun is poking thru the clouds now. It wasn’t when I came out. So my photos don’t show what I see now…

The interwebs were all abuzz with the presedent’s* threat to deploy the military if the mayors and governors didn’t control the rioting… Would someone buy that man a complete set of West Wing episodes. Since he evidently won’t read, and he watches way too much TV to be good for him, maybe he can learn something… Posse Comitatus Act… The West Wing is where I first heard about it.
The Posse Comitatus Act, which passed after the Civil War to keep federal troops from policing the South, limits federal troops’ deployment on U.S. soil and forbids using them to enforce domestic laws. The President can deploy troops if there’s an insurrection or invasion on U.S. soil.
Federal law limits Trump’s proposal to send troops to guard border …
So… watch closely as the White House tries to spin these riots… being perpetrated by who knows whom… into an insurrection. Vandalism instigated not by the protesters of police violence.
Have you noticed… what we haven’t heard from the president* yet? You know, how there are good people on both sides…
Oh, well I’m tired and my coffee’s gone. So here’s the last shot from this morning…

What beautiful skies! We’ve got more plain grayness, probably because we’re closer to the water. I don’t mind; it will be cooler working, at least for a while. I’ll be off to work just as soon as I get my own laundry out of the dryer — although throwing a load in was impulse for me.
After days of overcast, I was happy to see that blue scattered around the clouds that provided such drama. Try and keep hydrated as you work today.