Thursday, May 21, 2020

“Americans now seek Life without fear of pandemic, Liberty to choose their leaders in an environment free of disease and the pursuit of Happiness without undue restrictions,” Biery, referencing the Declaration of Independence, wrote in his introduction.

Texans fearful of contracting the coronavirus can vote by mail, federal judge rules, Washington Post

I’m out on the back porch this morning with my coffee mug. The ceiling fans are on, yet it’s still warm and muggy.

I spotted the quote above in yesterday’s news. A Federal Judge said the words in a judgement ruling against the State of Texas trying to limit a vote by mail attempt by the Democrat Party of Texas to protect voters during this pandemic.

Voting is a privilege that Republicans just can’t get their minds around… Or maybe, they aren’t really that slow and they just want to use any advantage they can scam or crook their way to constrain the turnout of Democrats.

I mean voting by mail works. It has for years. I have even reached that age of privilege that allows me to do so with impunity… and legally. So what if it takes a few days longer to count the votes. Hell, even the president* votes by mail as he tries to stop the rest of us.

I don’t know what’s up, but the prognoticaters have moderated their foretelling for the rest of the week. Our high temperatures aren’t going into the 90’s according to their scrying. But, that isn’t going to keep the “feels like” temperature out of triple digits.

Everyone stay safe, stay healthy, and stay socially aware. I hate that more and more people are following the presidents* example and foregoing the use of a mask. I expect that lack of social skills from the occupant of the People’s House. But I thought most of my neighbors were raised better…

Time to go in and check the “fake news”. Three days running, I’m on a roll…